How to do a lemon abundance ritual

Sometimes everyday life can seem hopeless without some assurance that you can get through the problem without some repercussion which you may need a free spell casting that works immediately. This spell casting works in immediately working in warding off the bad vibes in everyday life are cast out of you, your, family, and your home can be freely displayed for everyone to see. The first thing you need is seven lemons of any size, shape, or form, rice, and a clean white ceramic plate to place them on. Never use a plastic place or a disposable one as they have no life and the spell won't work. This free casting spell that works immediately is extremely effective in everyday life and must be done as often as possible to ensure you are protected.


Preparing the Ritual

The first thing you need to do is get all the three materials needed and prepare by cleaning the white plate. You, the caster then needs to grab each lemon and on the roll each of them on the plate with your dominant hand to the right clockwise while stating "Abundance come to me" once per each. After each of the lemons are rolled and set aside you then get a handful of rice, the universal symbol of food and place it between your hands. You then rub your hands with the rice, letting it fall on the plate slowly until you all of it lands on the plate. You repeat this process till the plate is filled and then flatten the rice so it is even and in a circle. Grab each lemon with the stem facing up and placing them in a circle and the last one in the center. Make sure that each stem in the lemon is facing up or the spell won't work.


Chanting the Spell

To begin with the spell, you place your hands over the lemons and the chant the following phrase:


"Goddess of fortune, please keep away from me all bad vibes".


You then make wave your hands outwards three times to kick out all negative energy, imagining a sea of positive vibes washing the bad ones away from you, your loved ones, and your house. You the proceed to state the following phrase:


"Take away all bad things, bad energy, arguments, bad intentions, poverty, illness, and all other things you don't want in life".


As the bad things are being washed away, you then chant:


"Open the way, for everything good to return to my life".


You then wave your hands inwards three times, bringing in positive vibes into you, your family, and loved ones while also imagining that money, loved ones, good health, good vibes, love, and prosperity in your life. You then chant the following phrase and then finish by clapping you hands afterwards, finishing the ritual:


"Let the light come and make all darkness disappear, make that so"


What comes next

Finishing the ritual, you then place the place in a high place, preferably a refrigerator and leave for seven days or when the lemons become black. You then throw away the contents and begin the ritual again to ensure you, your family, and house is protected from bad vibes.


Originally posted on May 2020 through another blog post by me.

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